Reception Security Personnel
When you’re fearful, you can’t feel the joy of a simple reception. Even if you decide to hire a team, you already that your reception security are the first members your clients, or family will see and meet. So, the security guards should know how to deal with the guests with respect while keeping their eyes open for those who are trying to sneak in. The Reception Security from Grizzlys Security Service is the best choice for you because our trained guards know how to do it professionally and beautifully.
Our Reception Security Personnel - Guards
Our reception security team is multi-skilled, highly trained, and dedicated to their roles. They get enough training for little things they’re supposed to do in their roles to protect our clients and their guests. They can quickly spot the intruders and troublemakers before they even execute their plan to harm our clients which gives you peace of mind to attend the reception.

Main Duties Reception Security Should Have
As we discussed earlier, not all security guards can become reception security because the role demands a little more than just a bodyguard. So, keeping that in mind let’s look at the typical demands for a reception security role:
Monitor CCTV cameras to analyze if there’s any suspicious activity.
Perform admin tasks such as name tagging contractors, or employees at the event. Even specific people will need to scan their ID if needed.
Ability to do X-ray scans of the packages.
Co-operation with reception management regarding issues and processes.
Managing emergency issues without causing any hustle and bustle.
In emergency cases, ability to write reports of staff shifts and details of the incident.
Doughtiness to expel personnel who violate the terms and conditions.
Ability to leverage first aid.
Work with Grizzlys Security Services To Ensure Safety
Whether the limitation was decided when you hired us or not, if you’re in danger we’ll do everything to get you out of the dangerous situation. Because your safety is our priority. That’s the rule we and our manned guarding follow. Are you interested in working with Grizzlys Security Services? We’re honored to serve and help you create a safer environment for your little occasions.